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How To Make TMA?

  1. First download the TMA questions paper from dashboard
    NIOS Student Portal
  2. Go TMA window Click on Download TMA Download the questions.
  3. Prep work
    Get a blue pen, ruler, pencil, and a notebook or A4 sheets, any kind of paper is fine.
  4. Download a document scanner of your choice like OSS Document Scanner or Okenscan
  5. Download the solved TMAs or start finding the answers from the textbook
  • Download for FREE Note: These are computzied not handwritten. So, you have copy on paper.
  1. Front page
    Write the following information on the first page.


Enrollment No: Check your ID card or dashboard

Subject name and code:

Medium of study:

Study centre/AI name and AI code:
Both name and code check are written all over the dashboard. Here's one of many ways to check it. dashboard->Print->ID Card. It's on the blue section or dashboard->My Details. 7. Answer writing

Every question has two options A and B. Make sure that you write the question number as follows: 1 A ans.

Pro tip: At the top right corner of the page write pg-1 and so on

  1. Scanning of TMA
    Make sure you are in a well-lighted area. Open the Oken scanner app or any other scanner app. Click pictures of the TMA ensuring that the full page is in the frame.
  2. Uploading of TMA(s) Go to Under TMA window click on TMA upload. A list of all your TMA will appear. Click the subject you wish to upload, choose your medium of study, click on upload, and find the file of that subject and wait for few seconds it'll prompt you to check it again. Click on proceed.


  • The limit is 5MB.
  • Check if your TMA was uploaded from TMA Status via your dashboard under TMA Status.
  • If you think there is any mistake in the TMA you can "Re-Upload" it for free! until 7 days from the day of uploading it.

Terms of TMA and the date of feedback of TMA

  • TMA Submission pending: TMA isn't upload yet*
  • Upload online: TMA is upload on the NIOS server*
  • TMA Allocated: When the study centre gets your TMA(s) and accepts it
  • TMA Evaluation in progress: The teacher is checking
  • TMA Evaluated: Your TMA is corrected/check*
  • "-": You passed in the subject

Note: Whatever is marked with “*” are important. The dates can differ from student to student but it takes ton of time for April 2024 the feedback/marks were given to everyone by the 31 April 2024.